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Consent for Electronic Delivery of Annual Notices

Consent to Electronic Disclosure Form

I understand that I can request a paper copy at any time without charge, and that I can withdraw this consent at any time. I also have the ability and the necessary equipment to access the applicable websites and view documents online. 

Disclosure Notice

Update Email Address

used for Consent

I understand that I may update the email address used for electronic delivery at any time. I understand that I may update my communication preferences using the instructions in the annual notices disclosure, or complete the form below.

Request for Delivery

of Paper Notice

I understand that I am entitled to obtain a paper version of any electronically furnished document free of charge at any time by following the instructions provided in the summary notice or by completing the form below.

Annual Notice

Update your Communication Preferences

Thank you for updating your communication preferences. Please note, if you are an active employee of an ICUBA member school, you must update your mailing address and other demographic information with your employer in addition to updating your communication preferences here.

The Independent Colleges and Universities Benefits Association

PO Box 616927

Orlando, Florida 32861

Prospective Member Schools visit 

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